
Taking a break from a two-page cartoon spread I’ve decided to finish (I hope to post it tomorrow), I found myself in a strange tidying mood… It’s probably because I’ve had an Amazon account almost as long as I’ve had email that my Amazon account is linked to my very first email account. For that […]

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Wrote late into the evening about the VP pick. Should you wish, you can read it over yonder. I have to say, though, I’m feeling some mild relief that Biden announced Kamala Harris last night and not just because I think the ticket is probably the strongest that Democrats could field from those running. I […]

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An Aimless Tuesday

Dear Diary… A post that will ramble, so apologies in advance. Given I posted four times yesterday, I guess is makes sense that today I don’t feel much like posting at all. I shouldn’t have looked on Twitter, though I’m waiting for Biden’s VP announcement since I intend to write about it. However, having looked, […]

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The Gettysberg Address…

… (as written by Stephen Miller, with contributions in black Sharpie by Donald J. Trump) Four score and seven years ago our fathers, along with Elvis, Frank Sinatra, and the great George S. Patton, strongly brought forth on this continent, a brand new premier, world-class, top-of-the-line, triple A, gold standard nation, conceived on Fox News, […]

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Mogg Gothic Version 2

Three blog posts in a day — perhaps there’ll be more — because I’m catching up on a slightly wasted weekend. I’m trying to improve the quality of my drawing and this Mogg picture was the first step towards that. I’ve taken more time doing this than nearly anything I’ve done in the past few […]

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What kind of week starts with Gavin Williamson first thing on a Monday morning?

Here we go with another week yet the same old nonsense… I woke to the headline that our droning wasp of an Education Secretary has said that “there is little evidence that the virus is transmitted at school”. It’s the kind of unequivocal statement that should raise suspicions before you even look at the science. […]

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#DrawJacobReesMogg #2

Friday was ridiculously busy so I crashed entirely on Saturday. It hadn’t been a great week and I just wanted to do something for myself, so I drew and, in the process, taught myself a couple of new techniques. The result was another cartoon which I might or might not add as an entry in […]

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Podcast – Episode 67

Yes. Your eyes don’t deceive you. That really is *the* podcast. Actually, it’s a new recording the podcast we attempted on Tuesday. It’s been quite the day. I certainly didn’t get up today thinking I’d be writing something for the blog at 9pm. However, some days are like that. Early this morning, I was asked […]

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Old Work Recovered

A brief blog post. Getting away from my constantly failing PC helped my mood yesterday. Slept, watched the newest Spiderman film (I hated all the Marvel elements such as the Iron Man mask but I do love Spiderman), slept some more, watched some Curb (disappointing)… Today I feel a bit less wall-punchy but I’m considering […]

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Sparking My Day

Today is the kind of day when somebody wiser should probably put their hand on my shoulder and tell me to keep away from a keyboard before poking me in the eye just to be doubly sure I’m otherwise kept busy. In a world of perky influencers and Australian swimwear models telling us their philosophy […]

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