
2 thoughts on “#DrawJacobReesMogg”

  1. I thought this was rather good. Forced myself to go onto the cesspit that is twitter (am studiously trying to avoid giving them any traffic) to look at your competition. Not sure about you being a “big gun” more like a nuclear missile compared to what I have seen so far.

    1. Oh, that’s really kind of you. The “big guns” sensibly tend to post right at the end of the competition, plus they tend to be artists rather than cartoonists.

      I quite liked this as well but I spent my Sunday drawing and then redrawing the face. I’m trying to improve my caricaturing skills (even bought a book on the subject) but there’s a point where you get face blindness. I can’t tell if there’s even a likeness anymore. I’ll probably post the newer version today (working on it as I sit here). I’ve sensed that my progress has stopped recently and I want to push on, trying difficult things. This was really the first part of that. Eventually, I want to get back and try using ink but I’m still too sloppy for that… 😉

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Why Dunciad.com?

It’s a cool domain name and it was available. Yes, I know. Available. Crazy, isn’t it?


Yes. It also helps that it’s also my favourite satire written by Alexander Pope, one of the most metrically pure English poets who also knew his way around a crude insult or two. If you’ve not read it, you should give it a try.

So this is satire, right?

Can’t deny it. There will be some. But it’s also an experiment in writing and drawing, giving work away for free in order to see how many people are willing to support a writer doing his thing. It’s the weird stuff that I wouldn’t get published elsewhere in this word of diminishing demands and cookie-cutter tastes.