An Old Cartoon Redrawn

Had no time to write this morning. Deep into another long piece. However, here’s an old cartoon redrawn. I’ve always been quite fond of Barry . Being a David, I’ve always lived slightly in the shadow of Michelangelo’s masterpiece. I think it’s time people with other names begin to share our misery.

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It’s a cool domain name and it was available. Yes, I know. Available. Crazy, isn’t it?


Yes. It also helps that it’s also my favourite satire written by Alexander Pope, one of the most metrically pure English poets who also knew his way around a crude insult or two. If you’ve not read it, you should give it a try.

So this is satire, right?

Can’t deny it. There will be some. But it’s also an experiment in writing and drawing, giving work away for free in order to see how many people are willing to support a writer doing his thing. It’s the weird stuff that I wouldn’t get published elsewhere in this word of diminishing demands and cookie-cutter tastes.