A World for Literalists

Words can be terribly slippery. William Empson in his seminal work on ambiguity from 1930 described the effect of these semantic slips as being either ā€œwitty or deceitfulā€; you can look on the effect of ambiguity as providing interpretive freedom but also the chance theyā€™ll simply steer you in the wrong direction. Poetic language pivots […]

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Forcing myself to write today. Having one of those dips in productivity that come with a dip in confidence. Wish I had some elaborate psychological explanation for it but itā€™s all pretty mundane. The blogging isnā€™t going great. Terrible numbers, even for work like my Farage piece which I thought was pretty strong. Very little […]

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I should probably not blog when Iā€™m angry, but nothing rankles me more than a bully. Punch up not down is my guiding mantra, and Iā€™m always happy to swing a fist to help the underdog. But onto this blogpost and the fact that the lockdown has easedā€¦ I write this ahead of whatever Johnson […]

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Iā€™ve always loved optical illusions and visual puns. I especially like those paints that involve a face made from other objects, such as Giuseppe Arcimboldoā€™s Vertumnus, which is a painting of the Holy Roman Emperor Rudolf the rednoseā€¦ Sorry, I mean: Rudolf II. He did others but thatā€™s probably the most famous. This was my […]

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There Are No Miracles

Once upon a time, when I was less grey but significantly more unhappy, I used to be a computer programmer. Well, I say ā€œprogrammerā€ but I was probably one step away from a hacker; little more than a one-man-band who would write software to order, bypassing all the formal training Iā€™d been taught at university […]

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On Book Shaming

So I find myself sitting here wondering how I would feel if Michael Gove had a book by David Icke on his shelfā€¦ Probably more worried, if Iā€™m honest. Icke doesnā€™t write out of any respected tradition except that of the seers and mystics who have always been around making a pretty penny from the […]

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One Month Update

Just finished one piece and Iā€™m about to go and grab some food before I pen something for the blog. So, in the meantime, I thought Iā€™d quickly write an update on this experiment in caffeine-fuelled creativity. Iā€™m now over one month into this project. During that time, I have noticeably increased my caffeine intake […]

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