A rare late night update just to say that I think I’m losing it. Or it has to be a symptom of lockdown.
I’ve been drawing cartoons non-stop for what seems like ages. Yesterday I said I finished Book 3. I thought I’d been working on it for about two months. It’s slightly over two weeks…
Two weeks!
I only realised this editing the ebook and noting the dates I uploaded the previous two. I’m a bit embarrassed and I can’t even explain what happened. It felt like months. And I mean long months. Not short ooh-where-did-the-week-go months. Every bit of it felt like I was struggling with inspiration. The cartoon ideas weren’t coming quickly enough…
Or so I thought. I did a count and I’ve drawn 44 new cartoons in that time. What does that work out at? Three a day? Madness!
I’m not sure what to do. I know I’m keeping myself busy by drawing but this is just too quick. I have to slow down. Or find something else to do with my time…