
I should probably not blog when Iā€™m angry, but nothing rankles me more than a bully. Punch up not down is my guiding mantra, and Iā€™m always happy to swing a fist to help the underdog. But onto this blogpost and the fact that the lockdown has easedā€¦ I write this ahead of whatever Johnson […]

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There Are No Miracles

Once upon a time, when I was less grey but significantly more unhappy, I used to be a computer programmer. Well, I say ā€œprogrammerā€ but I was probably one step away from a hacker; little more than a one-man-band who would write software to order, bypassing all the formal training Iā€™d been taught at university […]

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Toby, George & Apple

Happy St Georgeā€™s Day! And to mark the occasion, hereā€™s a bit about another national hero, facing down a fierce dragonā€¦ Toby Young now claims to have caught the coronavirus. He also claims to have beaten it. In his latest piece [gestures vaguely towards places on the internet I donā€™t frequent], he describes how he […]

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Virus Dreams

I don’t have a shrink. I have a blog. Times are hard. It will have to do… I’ve noticed that Iā€™m dreaming more than normal, which is odd given how Iā€™m also drinking too much caffeine. I should really be awake half the night. I also know that dreaming is usually a good indicator of […]

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