Alas, poor Icke! A fellow of infinite bullshitā€¦

So, Youtube has finally stopped David Icke from using their platform. Well, thank some-Christ-like-figure for that! You might not be old enough to remember the emergence of Icke. Heā€™s a former lower-league goalkeeper turned forgettable sports presenter turned annoying Green Party spokesman turnedā€¦ well, itā€™s never been polite to say what I thought he became. […]

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Trump Meme

There’s a laughable right-wing meme by the cartoonist Ben Garrison out there which depicts a muscled Trump covered in words and phrases such as “liberty” and “freedom”, whilst bullets representing “Islam”, “FBI” and “gay agenda” bounce off him. This is my slightly more realistic version.

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A Sunday Ramble

A quick ramble through the Sunday verbiage and it turns out that curse about ā€œliving in interesting timesā€ really was a curse, after all. Really, where do we begin to catalogue this ruby-veined tumescence of abject incompetence? We really need a new lexicon of words to properly convey the scale of these various crises. Words […]

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