
The first one has now disappeared down the hatch. It was the same hatch that subsequently scoffed a big plateful of Ravioli on toast and then proceeded to explain why Jimmy Carter was a much better president than people remember. We’ve had quips, sarcastic jibes, and lots of laughter. Two days ago, I had a […]

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The Twist

Here’s an unexpected twist in the tale. So, I paid for a private GP consultation which happened this afternoon. I explained the situation, the symptoms, the whole Enchilada (whatever that means). The doctor was totally understanding, thought it was sensible of me to push for the antibiotic since, she said, it’s the standard treatment for […]

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Yeard – 1

My mum seems more coherent this morning. The delirium of yesterday is very mild. She thinks she can hear church music. The little boys and girls of yesterday have, touch wood, kept away, and she’s now enjoying American news coverage of last night’s debate. I don’t expect it to last but compared to yesterday morning, […]

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