The first one has now disappeared down the hatch. It was the same hatch that subsequently scoffed a big plateful of Ravioli on toast and then proceeded to explain why Jimmy Carter was a much better president than people remember. We’ve had quips, sarcastic jibes, and lots of laughter.
Two days ago, I had a doctor hinting that I should consider the possibility that my Mum’s delirium had been coming along for a long time and was perhaps “something else” and I have a pretty good fucking idea what they were implying…
Excuse me while I swear but how fucking dare they and how many poor bastards fall for this shit because they lack the education to put up a fight? If I sometimes try to explain my world view and talk about how my politics are shaped by my surroundings, this is a perfect example. The privatisation of the GP service allows cowboys to buy up all the practices in an area and run them for a profit. And because it’s a depressed working class area, nobody ever complains.
I know I can’t let my guard down but, hell, it’s been a tough few days and I’ve been second guessing myself all the time. I’m going to now have a rest. Hopefully…