Genetic Sleep

An update for those of you following my current trials. Yesterday my mum mostly slept, which meant I could grab a couple of hours to write an article which should appear sometime today. The sleep, however, has been worrying me but then I remembered my summer… You might remember that a few months ago I […]

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My mother is not Hunter S. Thompson. If you’d thought that, you would be labouring under a misapprehension or you’d be simply confusing her with my sister. My sister has been struggling with her inflammatory condition for so many years that she can take drugs like a pro. She’s like the late master of Gonzo […]

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Apologies in advance. I hate boring people with my ongoing problems but I honestly find these blog posts useful. First, they’re a way for me to vent a little. Second, they provide a good record for what’s been happening. Many a time I’ve come back to look at a blog I had written to remember […]

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A hypochondriac looking after a hypochondriac is a toxic mix. I spent more time that I should this week Googling “my knees feel nauseous”. Those weren’t my knees, I should add, but my mother’s knees and Google didn’t have an answer. My mother had a complaint that medical science had never before discussed. That was […]

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Long day which began sometime around the dawn chorus as I finished my piece on last night’s debate. You can read it over here. I grabbed a few hours sleep but it’s been one of those difficult days, largely on account of yesterday being better. Today was one of those days when we tried to […]

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I forgot to blog yesterday and nearly did the same today. Pretty exhausted at the moment and I want to stay awake tonight to catch the last debate. I’ve also had a long week and yesterday was especially busy with phone calls. Yes, I do find it strange to write that line. I never get […]

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It’s World Mental Health Day, which I don’t normally mark because I’m never sure who decides which days are which. Seems like a marketing gimmick to me… However, I thought I’d write a bit about about my own mental health after the last few weeks. It might help me today. I feel I need to […]

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The Long Dark

Autumn. And just like that it went cold overnight. Yesterday was a big nippy but this morning it’s cold. Four degrees as I slipped out of bed and wondered if I’d done the wise thing. I expect this week to be particularly busy. Tuesday is the presidential debate and I aim/hope to be awake for […]

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One of these days I will have a normal day, when I get around to writing long (hopefully) eloquant pieces. That just won’t be today because I have jobs to do. Not the awful jobs of the last few days but a quite decent job. Specsavers are coming to give my Mum an eye test, […]

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In the weeds…

Was up until a stupid hour watching the Democratic convention. I’m not sure why except it never feels right catching it on Youtube the next day, where there’s too much temptation to fast forward a bit, which always turns into fast forwarding so much you effectively didn’t watch any of it… Perhaps that’s why I […]

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Waiting for the mail…

Friday and already under attack from QAnon cultists annoyed by my piece yesterday where I’d called QAnon a cult. I knew I should have just called it a “nutty cabal”… I should have seen this coming. Commenting on American politics from a distance, I sometimes forget that there are a lot of people seriously invested […]

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